Trezor App (Official)

Trezor wallets never expose your digital asset information to an insecure environment connected to the internet. Pick privacy and control your UTXOs with the latest Trezor Suite update.

The Trezor Suite Lite app is a free official app for iOS that allows you to securely view your cryptocurrency balances, track your savings, and easily create new receive addresses on the go1. However, it is important to note that this app is a watch-only wallet and cannot be used to send or receive crypto directly1.To manage your crypto assets, it is recommended to use the full Trezor Suite desktop application on your computer along with your Trezor hardware wallet. The desktop application provides more advanced features and integrations compared to the mobile app.Some key features of Trezor Suite Lite include:

  • Portfolio tracker to view balances for supported coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, XRP, etc.

  • Ability to easily receive crypto payments by scanning a QR code or copying an address

  • Support for multiple Trezor hardware wallets

  • On Android, you can verify receive addresses and unlock Trezor Model One directly in the app

While Trezor Suite Lite is a convenient way to monitor your crypto on the go, it is crucial for beginners to use the desktop application and hardware wallet together to ensure the security of their funds. Always follow instructions carefully and test with small amounts first before sending larger sums.

The Trezor Suite Lite mobile app offers the following key features:

  • Portfolio Tracker to view balances for supported cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, XRP, etc.

  • Ability to easily receive crypto payments by scanning a QR code or copying an address

  • Support for multiple Trezor hardware wallets

  • On Android, you can verify receive addresses and unlock Trezor Model One directly in the app

The app is designed to work seamlessly on iOS 14+ and Android 8+ devices1. It is free to download and use1.While Trezor Suite Lite is a convenient way to monitor your crypto on the go, it is important to note that it is a watch-only app and cannot be used to send crypto. For full functionality to manage and transact with your cryptocurrencies, it is recommended to use the desktop version of Trezor Suite along with your Trezor hardware wallet

Last updated